Friday, January 25, 2013

project progress

So I am moving forward with my "graphic novel" idea. There will be no text or dialogue. I have some character reference sheets completed and have sketched out the first two "panels" for the first submission. I don't know if everyone is going to "get it" or appreciate it at all, but it will be a nice project for me. I am going to experiment with some different techniques like brushes and textures and really try to push myself. Once I have the first page done, I am going to start telling people where to find it. I'm not expecting a huge following at all, but I think the few people who really appreciate my art will definitely be interested.

And I will be honest and up front about what it is. People will know that it's not a comic, and it will not be updated weekly or really with any kind of predictable frequency. And really...there won't be a recognizable plot at first. But hey, this isn't something I'm trying to make money on. I'm not even trying to gain popularity with it. I just want something to work on to help me improve artistically. This is really going to challenge my skills and I think every artist needs that.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

starting over

My plan to make a comic was flawed from the start. I honestly have no idea how comics work. I don't really know what I was thinking...
But now I have a ton of decent sketches and a lot of reference material to use for...who knows. Something sort of like a comic, but...not shitty?

I don't know. I'm not a writer. But I do want to create a sort of backstory/atmosphere for my characters based on what I have in my head.  I don't think I necessarily need to write it out for that to happen.
I think I can create a series of still images, like screenshots. Maybe with some writing....maybe not! I'll have to decide if I need it or not. I want to not need it.

But I feel kind of relieved. I was really close to publishing what I had so far and just jumping in. But I didn't feel ready and now I realize that I just wasn't satisfied with what I had started. I can do more with less.

Well, I'm going to try anyway.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I am currently working on a webcomic. I have a few pages done and I have the whole story outlined. I feel like I am almost ready to start posting. But I still don't know how or where I want to post. I would love to be able to post the pages in order, rather than having the most recent post always show up first. That way, people who are new to the comic know where to start. I'd also like to have something that looks nice.
The comic style is in my traditional, sketchy style. It's edited digitally, but it still looks like pencil drawings. So it's not super refined. I think a nice simple layout would look best with it, but I still want something that's easy to navigate and looks coherent.

I wish I knew more about this stuff...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Notes to myself about the proper way to art

1. Start with a good sketch. If it's not good, start again.

2. Don't rush progress. Take your time and let the drawing happen at it's own pace.

3. If you're stuck on a drawing, start a new one. You can come back to it later. Or not!

4. Remember, it's okay if not every drawing is a masterpiece.

5. Don't worry too much about what other people will think of your drawing. You don't even have to show it to anyone if you don't want to. Draw what you feel like drawing.

6. Don't try to define yourself as an artist. And don't compare your art to others'.

7. Try new things. But stick with what works for you.

8. Try to sketch every day. Even if it doesn't result in a completed drawing.

9. Remember to change your pen nibs and clean your tablet!

10. Don't get yourself down about not being productive. If you force yourself to work more than you really want to, it won't be fun anymore.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Well I'm writing a comic

I have sort of been thinking about writing something for a while now. And things finally started falling into place recently. My random ideas began to come together to form something coherent and I actually have a workable story. It may not be the best story every, but I think it's interesting. I'm a little nervous about my ability to pull off the visuals. But if I take my time, I think I'll at least get by. And having the story totally worked out before I start will help a lot.
Right now I'm doing some sketches, experimenting with format, and working out the plot details and dialogue. I've never attempted anything this big before, so I honestly don't know how far I'll get before it falls apart. But I'm going for it! My plan is to keep it simple and go with my gut.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

feeling the pressure

I have gotten some extra exposure recently with my monster girl drawings and I've gained a bunch of new followers. I am so happy that people are enjoying my art and I have been having so much fun. But now I am feeling a little anxious about making people happy and keeping up the pace I have been with the monster challenge. I really want to keep drawing things that people like but I'm a little worried that after I complete the challenge I'll be wiped out. I have to find some way to keep up the momentum at least a little bit.

Friday, August 3, 2012


So I recently decided to do this monster girl challenge hosted by a group on tumblr. I didn't think much of it and honestly wasn't sure if I would even be able to complete them all. I just wanted to practice and I like monster girls so it seemed like a good thing to try. I didn't realize how much I would enjoy it and how inspired I would become. I feel like my skills have improved drastically over just a couple weeks. The designs are coming to me more easily now and I can finish a drawing much faster than I ever could before. Just drawing daily has done so much for me. On top of that, I am drawing things I really enjoy and had kind of gotten away from. I feel like I am finally doing what I want in the way I want. And I'm not as worried about what other people will think of it. I'm not doing it to impress anyone in particular, just trying to have fun.

Once the challenge is complete, I am really going to try to continue to draw every day.