Sunday, October 23, 2011

Inspiration Hat

Sometimes it helps to wear a special item when you really need to concentrate. Something to put you in the zone. Well, I have a certain inspiration hat that I wear when I mean business.

it's not weird.

1 comment:

  1. Who said it was weird?

    It's not really any different than other things that artists do to get into the mindset they need.
    Music, reference material, stories. Heck, I get inspirations from games.

    No. Wearing a tiara is not "weird". If that is what it takes to get you into the proper mindset, then it is what you need to do.

    There are, of course, limitations to this method. I would not suggest sacrificing humans on an altar made of pure jade if that is what you require to get into the artistic mindset.

    What? Jade is expensive. sheesh.
