Monday, April 9, 2012

confusing struggle

I have been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember and it has always been an important feature in my life. I never wanted to make it my career, but it's something that I still take pretty seriously.

But after all this time, I still don't feel comfortable with my art. I don't feel confident in my skills. And I'm unsure about why I even want to draw.  I don't really do it to make a statement, I don't really have any creative ideas, and I'm not trying to achieve realism or anything. The closest thing I can think of to explain my motivation is that...I just want to make pretty things. I just want to draw things that are nice to look at.

But if that's the case, why do I take it so seriously? I wish I could just have more fun with it, and not worry so much about how it's going to turn out, what people are going to think of it, or whether it conveys my "style" properly.

I feel like I would enjoy art more and be more inspired if I wasn't so concerned with these trivial things.

1 comment:

  1. ashdkfhasd this is too long for the reply thing xD

    I can understand wanting to make pretty things, but you have to realize that you do have creative ideas! Your art shows plenty of creativity - from designs and poses to props in the drawings. Your detail work is phenomenal and your coloring is fantastic.

    If you're not having fun with it, maybe you should try something new! Or take a day break from it and relax :> Forcing yourself to do it may make you dislike the process of actually making the pretties.

    I quit drawing because I knew I'd never be any good at it, but I wish I hadn't. You've got some real talent, so don't you ever think otherwise!
