Friday, December 16, 2011

too busy sculpting to draw; a good problem to have?

I've gotten so into this polymer clay thing, that I have been too caught up to work on anything two-dimensional. I have three or four sketches I could upload and start coloring, but I haven't found the time!

I completed my first sculpture a couple days ago. It turned out pretty nice for my first try.
I think so, anyway....

It's a pony character created by another artist (who just happens to be my fiance). I like her a lot and thought she would make a great subject for my first attempt. It was a good choice. She's a gooey gal (the character is actually supposed to be made of goo surrounding a pony skeleton...) and I felt like I had a little more freedom with the surface texture. Plus, I got to use a ton of gloss, which helped to hide most of the flaws.

Making the glasses was a challenge. I thought of several ways I could go about it, and finally settled on the use of liquid Sculpey over a wire frame. I had never used this stuff before and wasn't even really sure it would work the way I thought. But it did! It cures translucent and gives a really nice effect. I have to experiment with it a little more to improve my technique, because it ended up having a lot of tiny bubbles in it.  :/  It doesn't really affect the overall look too much, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist....

I am actually working on a second sculpture of this pony, Cteno. It will be about half the size of this one, but I learned a lot with my first attempt and I'm sure this one will turn out even better. It might even go up for auction once it's complete. The body is mostly done, just need to work on the tail (which actually makes up almost half of the sculpture) and the hair. Then it will be ready for firing!

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